In The Name of God
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Pathology and Surgery
Reviewer Recommendation and Suggestions
Manuscript Title:
Manuscript Number:
Reviewer (1, 2, 3):
Please give the score from 1 to 5 (1=poor and 5=excellent) into the provided boxes:
-Novelty of the manuscript 1 2 3 4 5
-Significance of the submitted paper to the field of Dentistry 1 2 3 4 5
-Association and relevancy to the field of journal 1 2 3 4 5
-Proper English structure 1 2 3 4 5
- No Repetition of previous research 1 2 3 4 5
We suggest you copy and paste your comments into the provided section:
-Confidential suggestion to editor (provide a recommendation about the manuscripts suitability for publication in the journal and other necessary suggestions)
-Reviewer suggestion to author(s):
*Materials and Methods:
*Discussion and conclusion:
*Overall suggestion:
Please provide answers to below specific questions:
Is the title clear and concise? Yes No
Is the abstract satisfactory? Yes No
Does it concern the purpose of the work and what was done and? Yes No
Is the study design scientifically valid? Yes No
Have all abbreviations been explained in the text? Yes No
Were the methods sufficiently Novel? Yes No
Were the findings sufficiently Novel? Yes No
Do the results present the data properly? Yes No
Does the discussion explain and discuss the results of the study? Yes No
Is the conclusion satisfactory? Yes No
Does the conclusion support the data? Yes No
Is the length of paper appropriate? Yes No
Was the text well-written? Yes No
Do the references follow the guidelines? Yes No
Are all the tables necessary? Yes No
Can they be simplified or condensed? Yes No
Dose the layout of the table has proper design? Yes No
Is the data arranged properly? Yes No
Is the legend of each table satisfactory? Yes No
Are the number and quality of figures satisfactory? Yes No
Do the legends explain the figures properly? Yes No
Is the correct statistical test used for data analysis? Yes No
Ethical Concerns:
Are there any ethical considerations? Yes No
Were the studies performed in accordance whit the declaration of Helsinki? Yes No
Accepted with minor revision
Major revision required